seo tips, blogging tricks, widgets and gadgets for you blog

Friday 8 June 2012


Thursday 7 June 2012


02:34 By

social-share-widgetThe Social networking sites growing traffic is indirectly to webmasters themselves. the more they receive traffic the more visitors we receive when people share you content with friends and colleagues. The widget today consists of Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon box counters along with Addthis Counter which makes it a complete package of social media sharing buttons. To Add this widget to your blogspot blogs kindly follow the steps mentioned below.

Live Demo

Add Social Share Widget To Blogger

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Check the "Expand Widgets Templates" Box
  4. Search for <data:post.body>
  5. Just above it paste the code below,

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div align='right'><table border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' width='150'><tbody>
      <td valign='top'>    <script src=''/>
      <td valign='top'>   <div id='fb-root'/><script src=''/><fb:like font='' href='' layout='box_count' send='false' show_faces='false'/></td>
      <td valign='top'><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </td>
      <td valign='top'>
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style '>
<a class='addthis_counter'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->

If you wish to align the widget to left then replace  right with left
6. Hit Save and you are done!
Let me know if you needed any help :>

Wednesday 6 June 2012


How it works?

I have made the steps extremely simple so that even beginners may love to implement this modification inside their blogs or websites. We just need to create two CSS classes and insert them inside the link list tags of the menu and then finally attach the necessary call functions to trigger the effect. Follow these simple steps for blogger:
  1. Go to Blogger > Template
  2. Backup your template
  3. Click Edit HTML
  4. Search for <head>
  5. just below it paste the following code.
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 

Note: If you have previously added the jquery link then you remove the previous one and use this update done instead. Your old widgets will still work.
     6. Next search for ]]></b:skin>    and just above it paste the following CSS classes
.mbt_navigation {
    .mbt_navigation li {
     7.  Now the last part. Search your menu code and to the part from where the drop down list starts, add the class dropdown1 to the main tab (li tag) and add mbt_navigation to the ul tag of the column. Please see the our code to get an idea and carefully observe the locations of the two classes. We have replaced links with # symbol for simplicity.

<li class='dropdown1'><a href='#'>Tools »</a>
<ul class='mbt_navigation'>
<li><a href='#'>HTML Editor</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Multiple SITEMAP Generator</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Encode HTML Characters</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Count Characters</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Meta Tag Generator</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Color Code Generator</a></li>
      8. Finally just after the entire HTML code of your Menu (where your menu ends, it can either be </ul> or </div> depending on your menu code), paste the following code:
<script type='text/javascript'>
            // Wait for the page and all the DOM to be fully loaded
                    // Add the &#39;hover&#39; event listener to our drop down class
            $(&#39;.dropdown1&#39;).hover(function() {
                            // When the event is triggered, grab the current element &#39;this&#39; and
                            // find it&#39;s children &#39;.sub_navigation1&#39; and display/hide them
        9.   Save your template and you are all done!

Monday 4 June 2012


live demo
Instructions:Template Settings / How to use this template
Template author:ChicaBlogger
Business Solutions is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, social icons and neutral colors.
Excellent layout for blogs about business.
Download Business Solutions for free in BTemplates.
Rating3.3 out of 5 based on 6 bloggers.
Compatible with:FFIEChrome


25 Navigation Menus Collection!How To Add A Vertical Navigation CSS Menu To Blogger?
Well the process is as simply as it can be. Simply follow these steps carefully,
  1. Go To Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML
  2. Back-up your template
All Navigation Menus below uses two pieces of codes. One is The CSS code which is responsible for the look and feel of the menus and the second is the HTML code which is responsible for positioning the menus. So lets know where to add each code!
    3.   Paste the CSS code for your selected Menu just above ]]></b:skin>
    4.   For the HTML code there can be two positions either your right sidebar or left sidebar. Depends how many columns you have.
  • If you have a right sidebar then paste the HTML code just below <div id='sidebar-wrapper'>  or this <div id='sidebar-wrapper-right'>
  • If you have a left sidebar then paste the HTML code just below <div id='sidebar-wrapper-left'>
Note:- Since most templates use different coding therefore if you could not find the above codes then don’t worry simply share your blog URL in the comment box and I will view your template coding and will tell you instantly which code to search for!
    5.    Finally save your template and see a beautiful Navigation Menu hanging on your sidebar :D

Editing The Links In The Navigation Menu

To change the Tab Menu Links and Titles, simply edit this bolded part of the HTML code,
<li><a href="#1" >Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#2" >Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#3" >Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href="#4" >Link 4</a></li>
<li><a href="#5" >Link5</a></li>

Replace #1, #2, #3 etc with your Page Links/URL and replace Link1, Link2, Link3 etc with your Page Titles. If you wish to add or delete a tab then simply add or delete this line from the HTML code,

<li><a href="#" >Link</a></li>

Live Demo

For Live Demo of Other Navigation Menus Simply use our HTML Editor and Copy and Paste the CSS and HTML code at right areas and then start playing with the code :>>

Navigation Menu #1

Navigation Menu 1 


Navigation Menu #2

Navigation Menu 2
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #3

Navigation Menu 3
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #4

Navigation Menu 4
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #5

Navigation Menu 5
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #6

Navigation Menu 6
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #7

Navigation Menu 7
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #8

Navigation Menu 8
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #9

Navigation Menu 9
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #10

Navigation Menu 10
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #11

Navigation Menu 11
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #12

CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #13

CSS Menu Tabs 13
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #14

CSS Menu Tabs 14
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #15

CSS Menu Tabs 15
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #16

CSS Menu Tabs 16
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #17

CSS Menu Tabs 17
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #18

CSS Menu Tabs 18
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #19

CSS Menu Tabs 19
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #20

CSS Menu Tabs 20
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #21

CSS Menu Tabs 21
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #22

CSS Menu Tabs 22
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #23

CSS Menu Tabs 24
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #24

 CSS Menu Tabs 25
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

Navigation Menu #25

CSS Menu Tabs 26
CSS Code:

HTML Code:

That’s All!


Early this morning I tried to create some tables using simple HTML. Remarkably I arrived at a really easy and well optimized code that could be used to show your 125 by 125 Ad banners just like the one on my sidebar. This widget is named “125 by 125 Ad Banner Widget
See an example below,

 125 by 125 Ad Banners Widget  (1)
Here is the code to be pasted in your HTML/JavaScript Widget,
<div align="center">
<table border="0"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265"bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<table border="0" bordercolor="#0084ce" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265" bgcolor="#ffffff">
       <td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img width="265" height="37" border="0" alt="Advertise Now!" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" /></a></center></td>


Now make the following changes,
1.  Replace URL OF ADVERTISER with the website link of the advertiser
2.  Replace URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE with the Image link of the Advertiser’s banner
3.  Replace AD DESCRIPTION with some information related to the Ad. The description appears when some hovers his mouse cursor over the banner.
4.  If you want to increase the distance between the ad blocks then adjust width="265" . By default 265 is the minimum width of this banner widget. You can’t further decrease the width.

  • If you want to increase the number of rows of this ad widget and want to add two other Ad blocks i.e 6 ad blocks. Then simply copy paste the code below just above</tbody></table>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>

  • If you want to have a more fancy Ad widget like the one below,
125 by 125 Ad Banners Widget  (2)
then copy and paste the code below in your HTML/Javascript Widget

Wednesday 14 March 2012

best wordpress plugins ever

W3 Total Cache

The ultimate swiss-army knife of caching, from the basic page caching (keeping a static copy of the page), to CSS/JS/HTML minification (making your files smaller), as well as handling uploads to a Content Delivery Network.


If W3TC is too much for you, SuperCache is the answer. Very simply, it makes static HTML files to serve users, and much fewer settings to break.

Backup Buddy Premium

Expensive, but the only plugin that can truly handle both file and database backups easily. Only for pro-bloggers though at that price, but a license lasts a lifetime. ($75 for 2 site license)

WP-DB Backup

Does what it says on the tin – backs up your database. However, certainly not an easy solution and only works with core tables – so plugin data is lost.

Vaultpress Premium

Another premium backup service from the guys that created WordPress, so you know it’s rock solid. ($15 per month per site)

CloudFlare Caching Service

Though not really a plugin, this is a free service that works fantastically with WordPress to reduce the amount of spam requests for your page and cache certain resources in local CDNs around the world. Results in significant speed increases. Well worth it but requires you to adjust the name servers for your domain so can be a little tricky to set up.


Optimizes the database by running the optimize SQL command, removing post revisions, spam and unapproved comments. It’s essential if you don’t manually manage your database or run your own optimization scripts. Also includes functionality to rename users, useful for changing the default admin user.

Secure WP

From the WebSite Defender guys, this gives you a thorough security check and make a number of small adjustments to harden your Wp install, such as hiding the version number. Also available as an online service.
Download  | Plugin Site 


Monitor your site 404 errors and create simple 301 redirects easy to keep the Google link juice flowing and your readers free from 404 pages. Find what’s 404ing, redirect it, easy.


Wassup gives you a full stats dashboard and even real-time monitoring of visitor activity, without needing an external service like WordPress Stats or Google Analytics.

Broken Link Checker

Dealing with broken links can be pain if you’re waiting for readers to report them – get ahead of the game with this plugin and automatically check all the sites you’ve linked to before they become a problem.

Search Engine Optimisation

WordPress SEO by Yoast

Widely regarded as the SEO plugin for WordPress. It has an extensive feature set and rave reviews. Give it a whirl, there are alternatives though. Includes XML sitemap features.

SEO Ultimate

Another extensive feature set – this one has a 404 error tracker and well as link cloaking for your affiliate links, as well as the standard features. Each module can be disabled as required, so scales with your needs. Quite heavy when fully enabled though.

All-In-One SEO

A basic set of features, but still a very popular choice for handling SEO concerns.

Google XML Sitemaps

Creates a site map for you to submit to Google and automatically updates it when you post new content. Essential for getting indexed quickly and accurately.

SEO Friendly Images

Adds ALT and TITLE meta tags to your images so you can start getting valuable Google Images traffic.

SEO Slugs

Makes your permalinks shorter by removing unnecessary common words such as a/the/or, resulting in shorter URLs and a better rank. This functionality is built into SEO Ultimate but not WordPress SEO, so get an SEO plugin first then see if you need this one too.

Social and Commenting

Thank Me Later

Automatically sends a follow-up email to anyone who leaves a comment at your blog, thanking them for taking the time to comment and encouraging follow up visits.

Disqus Commenting

A full replacement comment system for WordPress offering a range of login options, share buttons, and serious spam protection. Syncs with your WordPress database to ensure you don’t lose any should you decide it’s not for you. Restricts your ability to add other commenting functionality and plugins though, beyond what Disqus provides.


Automatically inserts a link to the commenter’s latest blog post when they enter a comment (if they provide a website address of course). Superb way to encourage more comments, though also liable to encourage worthless comments posted just for the link.

Digg Digg

Full set of social sharing buttons in a variety of styles – a vertical floating box is usually quite popular.


Fewer options, but simpler and very attractive alternative for adding a set of vertical sharing buttons which moves when the user scrolls.

Sexy Bookmarks

A unique style and customisable set of social bookmarking buttons with a huge range of services included. Quite recognizable by readers who are fans of bookmark services.


Comes with WordPress, but if you haven’t activated and added an API key yet, you’re missing out. It really does stop the hordes of spam comments that come every hour.

Follow me

Creates a persistent slide-on sidebar widget you can fill with links to all your social profiles. Essential if you have a lot of accounts, but for one or two, just paste them onto a regular text sidebar widget.


A revolutionary real-time commenting system with added social login features, CommentLuv-like links to users latest blog posts, user profiles that encourage interaction and more. Definately worth considering to replace your standard WordPress comments!

Core Functionality


Replaces the next/previous buttons with good looking paginated buttons. Customizable, and absolutely essential.

Revision Control

If you edit your post a lot, each autosave will result in a new “revision” stored in the database. Keep those under control by limiting them with this plugin.

No Revisions

Doesn’t delete previous revisions but does prevent any future ones being made. Install with any new blog. (Note: you can also achieve the same effect by editing the wp-config.php yourself).

FD Feedburner

Redirects your main feed to the Feedburner site. This reduces the load on your server as well as adding a host of additional features.

What Would Seth Godin Do

Odd name for a plugin, but it creates a “welcome box” for new users visiting the site. Disappears by default after the 5th visit. Use the box to encourage signup with the newsletter, or RSS feed, or just a personal greeting.

WP GreetBox

Creates a greet box at the start or end of posts, which you can customize specific messages for different traffic sources – so if they came from Google, get them to subscribe; or if they came from Digg then show a Digg button. etc.

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Displays related posts at the end of an article, very customisable yet simple to use.


Loads of additional features that usually come with a blog – significantly, stats, gravatar hover cards, a grammar checker, and recent tweets widget.

Popular Posts

(Requires Jetpack with Stats enabled) Uses the stats gathered with the JetPack plugin to figure out the most popular posts over X number of days and display them as a widget.


Creates an entire forum functionality to your site. Simple, customisable, fully integrated.

Event Calendar Pro – Premium

A gorgeous events plugin with calendar view or event list, iCal and GCal import buttons. Perfect for club or society meet-ups. ($40 per site)

GD Star Ratings

An incredibly rich ratings plugin, perhaps overwhelming for most users but well worth the time investment to learn it. A full templating system and a variety of rating types make this the ultimate rating system around.

Contact Form 7

Create a contact form and embed it on a page with ease. Optional Captcha element to deal with spam.


Creates a complete mobile version of your site with ease. Premium version also available that removes branding and allows you to embed ads.

Linktrackr Premium

Essential for anyone using affiliate marketing or conversion pages, this plugin performs link cloaking and A/B testing for various conversion page designs. Also includes a viral makreting (sharebar type) module. Full stats and dashboard, various plans available from $9/month.

Gravity Forms Premium – $39

Expensive if you just need a form, but the feature set is incredible and the name deceiving. Multi-step, logic, limiting entries for competitions, even a full ordering system.

TinyMCE Advanced

An enhanced version of the built-in WYSIWYG editor that gives you a customizable array of extra features, such as being able to add HTML tables. Essential if you use the standard editor but find it a little frustrating.

Widget Logic

If you’ve ever wanted to dynamically change what’s on your sidebar using standard WordPress conditionals (is_single(), is_page(), is_archive() etc), this is the plugin for you.

Syntax Highlighter Evolved

Essential for anyone who blogs about code, programming or web development – this plugin gives you an attractive and functional highlighted code block with optional line numbers. You might preferGoogle Syntax Highlighter  though, so check that out too – both are good.


Allows you create additional user levels, as well as crucially blocking actual post content from being viewed by users not of a certain level – so you can set up a premium area of your site for paying users and require membership. I don’t recommend this tactic, but this plugin will handle it all for you smoothly.


WP e-Commerce

The basic package is completely free with additional upgrades for a premium. The most popular WordPress free e-commerce around, there’s a vast list of showcase sites. A good selection of free features, SEO-friendly, highly customisable and works well with other plugins; but perhaps aimed more to web developers who don’t mind editing templates and writing CSS – there are slicker options out there.


Works great out of the box with the default WP theme, and a very slick style. Built-in payment processors, inventory management and full stats dashboard make this a very attractive and FREE e-commerce solution to rival the best.

Shopp Premium

$55 for a basic license, plus upgrade costs for payments modules and other plugin functionality; but with rock solid support and a much cleaner backend interface than the free solutions. If you’re serious about eCommerce on WordPress, it should be a negligible expense for the peace of mind and support offered with a premium plugin.

Photography and Galleries

NextGen Gallery

The built-in gallery and photo management in WordPress isn’t ideal – this plugin creates a whole new gallery section to manage your photos, disassociating them from posts. You can then embed albums or galleries in posts or collect all your images on a single page. An extensive plugin in and of itself, you can also download plugins for NextGen Gallery to extend functionality further. is an image optimizer service from Yahoo that can reduce the size of your images by around 10-40% without any loss in quality, and with this plugin your images will automatically be run through the service (they’re still hosted on your server though). There’s also a bulk option to do all your previously uploaded images too. If your site is image heavy, this is absolute must and pretty amazing stuff really.(Note: it doesn’t work on images over 1mb).
Download  | Standalone Site